How many positive integer solutions

elementary-number-theorynumber theory

I'm interested in ${\bf integer}$ solutions of


subject to ${\bf a,b,c,d \geq 2}$, and ${\bf e,f \geq 1}$.

${\bf Questions:}$ Are there finitely many solutions? If no, is there a nice infinite family of solutions?

Best Answer


Only if an odd number of odd terms exists, can this work. That takes at least one, even variable (not just term).

mod 3, we have that when turned into addition of possible negative equivalents, the 2 mod 3's either need to win by a number of terms that are 2 mod 3, or the 1 mod 3 terms need to win by a number of terms by a number of terms thst is 1 mod 3. 0 mod 3 has no effect, except forcing constraints on distribution of remaining terms. as 9 is not 1 or 2 mod 3 at least one term needs to be 0 mod 3. the remaining terms can split 3-5 for a 2 mod 3 win, or 7 terms can be non-zero mod 3 and get 4-3 split for a 1 mod 3 win. 6 non-zero terms have a 2-4, 2 mod 3 win. 5 has a 3-2, 1 mod 3 win. 4 has a 2 mod 3 win of 1-3. 3 has a 1 mod 3 win of 2-1. 2 has a 0-2 win for 2 mod 3. 1 has a 1-0 win for 1 mod 3.

you can do the same analysis mod 4 etc. then use CRT to combine them.

Edit 9 terms actually has a 2-7 split .

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