How many permutations can be formed from 1, 2, . . . , 2n when objects of type i appear twice when i is odd and appear n times when i is even

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicspermutations

How many permutations can be formed from objects of types 1, 2, . . .
, 2n when objects of type i appear twice when i is odd and objects of
type i appear n times when i is even?

Alright so I have no idea on how to tackle or even begin this problem. I've tried thinking of ways to begin, maybe finding the total number of permutations and going from there, but the "i" part of the problem keeps throwing me off.

If you could help me get started that would help, I am a beginner so I might have trouble understanding your hint

Best Answer

In general, suppose there are $k$ types of objects, and you have $n_1$ objects of type $1$, $n_2$ objects of type $2$, $\dots$, and $n_k$ objects of type $k$. Then the number of "permutations" of these objects is $$ \frac{(n_1+n_2+\dots+n_k)!}{n_1!n_2!\cdots n_k!}. $$ Here, you have

  • $2$ objects of type $1$,
  • $n$ objects of type $2$,
  • $2$ objects of type $3$,
  • $n$ objects of type $4$,

and so on.