How many onto functions are there from a set $|T|=n+1$ to a set $|S|=n$


How many onto functions are there from a set $|T|=n+1$ to a set $|S|=n$?

It is well known that the number of onto functions from $|T|=m$ to $|S|=n$ is given by $$ n!\left(m\brace n\right)$$ where $m\brace n$ denotes a Sterling number of the second kind.

However, when $m=n+1$, I suppose the the computation may be simpler and not require this formula.

Thus we want to prove the number of surjections from $T\to S$, with $|T|=n+1$ and $|S|=n$ is $$\frac{n(n+1)!}{2}=\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\cdot n!=(1+…+n)n~!$$

Consider the simpler case from here by momentarily letting $T^*=T\setminus\{n+1\}$. Thus, $|T^*|=n$.

We find the number of onto functions from $T^*\to S$. From here it is easy to see that there are $n!$ such functions since the first element of $T^*$ has a choice of $n$ elements to map to in $S$, then the second element in $T$ of has a choice of $n-1$ elements to map to in $S$, … , and so on. Thus there are $$n\cdot(n-1)\cdot(n-2)\cdot…\cdot1=n!$$

such surjections.

Consider $T^*\cup\{n+1\}=T\therefore|T^*\cup\{n+1\}|=n+1$.

Since there are $n!$ onto functions that map $\{1,…,n\}\to\{1,…,n\}$, an onto map from $\{1,…,n,n+1\}\to\{1,…,n\}$ must map two $n_T\in\{1,…,n,n+1\}$ into the same element in $\{1,…,n\}$, thus there are at least $$n\cdot n!$$ such onto functions now.

Here is where I am stuck. How do I count what that last added element adds to the number of surjections?

Best Answer

An onto function from a set with $n+1$ elements to a set with $n$ elements will necessarily have $2$ elements from the domain mapping to the same element in the codomain and then all remaining elements in the domain mapping to a unique element in the codomain.

  • Pick which two elements from the domain share an output

  • Pick what that output was

  • From smallest to largest, pick what the output is for each remaining element

The number of such functions is then:

$$\binom{n+1}{2}n(n-1)! = (n+1)!\cdot \frac{n}{2}$$

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