How many non-diagonalizable $2\times 2$ matrices are there with all entries single-digit strictly positive integers

diagonalizationlinear algebramatricespython

I'd like to know how many non-diagonalizable size 2 matrices there are with integer coefficient between 1 and 9.

I built a python program which counts the non-diagonalizable matrices with such coefficients:

from sympy import *

count = 0
for a in range(1,10):
    for b in range(1,10):
        for c in range(1,10):
            for d in range(1,10):
                M = Matrix([[a,b],[c,d]])
                if not M.is_diagonalizable():
print("Number of non-diagonalizable matrices :", count)

The output was :

Number of non-diagonalizable matrices : 0

I wonder if there is a problem with my program or if it's true, that all the size 2 matrices with integer coefficient between 1 and 9 are diagonalizable.

Please help me.

Best Answer

In fact every $2 \times 2$ matrix with positive real entries has distinct eigenvalues and so is diagonalizable.

Hint The eigenvalues of $$A = \pmatrix{a&b\\c&d}$$ are the roots of the characteristic polynomial $p_A(t) = t^2 - (\operatorname{tr} A) t + \det A$, and these roots coincide iff the discriminant $\Delta = (-\operatorname{tr} A)^2 - 4 \det A = 0$ vanishes.

In terms of the entries of $A$, $$\Delta = [-(a + d)]^2 - 4 (a d - b c) = (a - d)^2 + 4 b c,$$ but $(a - d)^2$ is nonnegative and $4 b c > 0$.

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