How many names exist

discrete mathematics



• Name must start with J

• 4-5 letters long

• Exactly one z in name

How many names exist that meet all of these restrictions?

The name can be anything as long as it meets the above bullet points. ie Jzaa is fine

Really confused how to go about this problem was thinking of using n!/k!

Would really appreciate any help about how to go about this

Best Answer

Suppose the name is 4 letters long. Then it can be (J,z,[a-y], [a-y]) or (J, [a-y], z, [a-y]) or (J, [a-y], [a-y], z) where there are 25 choices for each of the [a-y] fields. So the number of possible 4-letter names 0s $3 \times 25 \times 25 = 1875$.

Use the same method to count the number of possible 5-letter names.