How many draws to get one of each with replacement


Assuming I have a bag with all $26$ letters in it, how many times would I need to draw out of the bag to have a $90\%$ chance of getting at least one of each letter?

I think drawing $26$ times with replacement would be $\frac{26!}{26^{26}}$ to get exactly one of each letter, but I'm have trouble calculating with a bigger number of draws such as drawing a letter (with replacement) $52$ times and trying to calculate the probability that I got at least one of each letter (but not caring about which letters are duplicated or if they are duplicated multiple times). I keep getting numbers greater than $1$.

Background: I bought a bag a choclates with letters on the chocolate, but I didn't get all the letters so I'm wondering how many I would have to buy to get all the letters. I'm assuming they made equal numbers of all the letters and that they made a sufficiently large amount of chocolates so we can ignore that they are not replacing them by the law of large numbers since our sample will be less than $5\%$ of the population.

Best Answer

This is a special case of the so-called "coupon collector's problem"

Calculating the expected number of draws required along with the variance is fairly easy using the linearity of expectation. From here, one can obtain probability bounds using Chebyshev's inequality. I don't know of a way to obtain the pmf directly, although you could try simulation.

Update: I played around with this in R. The Chebyshev bound says that 206 draws will be sufficient to have at least a 90% probability of drawing all 26. The exact tail probability from Ross, pointed out in @awkward's answer, gives $P(T \geq 206) \approx 0.0008$ and $P(T \geq 141) \approx 0.099$ for your example. Here's my R code if you're interested:

# This script calculates upper-tail probabilities for the coupon collector's
# problem in three different ways: 
#     1. A bound based on Markov's inequality
#     2. A bound based on Chebyshev's inequality
#     3. An explicit solution from Ross "A First Course in Probability"

# Compute expected number of trials, E[T], needed to obtain all n coupons
get_mean <- function(n) {
  n * sum(1 / (1:n))

# Compute an upper bound for P(T >= a) using Markov's inequality
get_markov_tail <- function(a, n) {
  stopifnot(a > 0)
  get_mean(n) / a

# Compute an upper bound for P(T >= a) using Chebyshev's inequality
get_chebyshev_tail <- function(a, n) {
  mean_T <- get_mean(n)
  stopifnot(a > mean_T)
  n^2 * pi^2 / (6 * (a - mean_T)^2)

# Exact formula for P(T >= a) from Section 4.1 of Ross
get_exact_tail <- function(a, n) {
  k_seq <- 1:(n-1)
  term1 <- exp(lchoose(n, k_seq) + a * (log(n - k_seq) - log(n)))
  term2 <- (-1)^(k_seq + 1)
  sum(term1 * term2)

# Using these functions we'll now try an experiment. Suppose there is a total of
# 26 coupons and we want to find a such that P(T >= a) < 0.1. In other words,
# we want to know how many trials we would need for there to be at least a 90%
# chance that we will obtain all 26 coupons. How do the two upper bounds compare
# to each other, and how do them compare to the exact formula?

# The Markov bound is terrible:
get_markov_tail(1002, 26)
get_markov_tail(1003, 26)

# The Chebyshev bound is a massive improvement:
get_chebyshev_tail(1002, 26)
get_chebyshev_tail(1003, 26)
get_chebyshev_tail(205, 26)
get_chebyshev_tail(206, 26)

# The exact tail probability is a substantial improvement over Chebyshev:
get_exact_tail(1002, 26)
get_exact_tail(1003, 26)
get_exact_tail(205, 26)
get_exact_tail(206, 26)
get_exact_tail(140, 26)
get_exact_tail(141, 26)
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