How many double letter mutations are possible in a certain DNA string


We are currently doing permutations and factorials in my Maths course. In this week's online quiz there's a question that goes like this:

A DNA sequence can be represented as a string of the letters ACTG. Given a DNA sequence of length 26, how many double letter mutations are possible?

I have absolutely no background in Chemistry or Genetics so I think I'm interpreting the question incorrectly. Here's what I've tried:

  • Picking two random positions and changing each of them: 26*3*25*3
  • Picking two adjacent positions and changing each of them: 25*3*1*3

All my attempts have been marked as incorrect by the auto-marker. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Picking two random positions is ${26\times25\over2}$, not $26\times25$, so the answer they want is $${26\times25\over2}\times3\times3$$

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