How many directed multigraphs with n vertices and edges up to isomorphisms

combinatoricsgraph theory

How many graphs (not isomorphic to each other) with the same number of edges as vertices (sometimes called autographs). I'm interested in autographs where the edges are directed, and there may be 0 or more edges between any ordered pair of vertices.

Ideally, I'd like a formula to calculate the number of such graphs for a given number of vertices/edges n.

I have absolutely no idea how to find an algebraic formula for this, so I wrote some code to generate all the possible graphs and then to filter out the isomorphisms.

This gives the first few terms in the series:
(EDIT: n = 4 is incorrect)

# of autographs  1 1 6 31 1201
               n 0 1 2 3  4

Of course it's possible that there is a mistake in my code, so these numbers could be wrong.

I did not find an entry for this sequence in the integer sequences page

Update: As shared by pasthec it looks like the sequence is included here:

1, 1, 6 ,31, 198, 1270, 8838, 63419

See Table 79 on page 32 of Statistics on Small Graphs by
Richard J. Mathar

Best Answer

EDIT: The software at OEIS A138107 is sufficient to answer this post.