How many different numbers can be made using only 5 different numbers out of a set with 7 numbers

combinationscombinatoricsdiscrete mathematicspermutations

We have a set $M = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}$
How many different numbers can be made using only 5 different numbers from M?

I assume that is something like $P(5,7)$ or $P(7,5)$ I cannot decide.
On a private class the person solving exercises said $5^7$, but I see that the formula he used is for R-permutations with repetition, but in the exercise is written $5$ DIFFERENT numbers from M.

Can someone explain ?

Best Answer

If repetition is allowed then answer is $7^5$ ,because there are $7$ choice for first digit , $7$ choices for second digits so on such that $7 \times 7 \times 7 \times 7 \times 7 = 7^5 $

If repetition is not allowed , then there is $7$ choices for first digit , $6$ for second, $5$ choices for third so on such that $7 \times 6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 = P(7,5)=2520$

$\color{red}{NOTE}$= Because of it is said that different numbers , the repetition is not allowed ,so answer is $P(7,5)$

Moreover , you can do it such that first select $5$ number from the set by $C(7,5)$ .After that , find the number of how many ways there are to arrange them by $5!$. Then , multiply them such that $C(7,5) \times 5! = P (7,5) =2520$

$\color{red}{NOTE-2:}$ When you work over permutation if $P(m,n)$ ,then $m \geq n$ . If not, then the answer is $0$