How many combinations of coins add up to \$20


We have four coins

  • Coin 1: $0.10

  • Coin 2: $1.00

  • Coin 3: $1.00

  • Coin 4: $1.00

How many ways can we get $20.00 from these coins?

My attempt:

I started by counting the total number of ways for each coin to reach $20.00

  • 200 ways for coin 1

  • 20 ways for coins 2, 3, and 4.

I now have an equation, a + b + c + d + e = 200

We want to get the total number of solutions without any constraints

$\dbinom{200+5-1}{5-1} = \dbinom{204}{4}$

Then I found the number of solutions with the constraint that the coin must be $\leq$ 20. The total number of solutions with coin > 20 can be determined by purchasing 21 coins and leaving 181 at most to buy.

$\dbinom{181+5-1}{5-1} = \dbinom{185}{4}$

The final solution is:

$$\dbinom{204}{4} – 3 \times \dbinom{185}{4} $$

Best Answer

There should be a multiple of 10 number of coins of type $1$. Hence, in effect we have four types of coin of \$ $1$ and desire non-negative solutions to the equation $x_1+x_2+x_3+x_4=20$, which by the stars and bars problem is $\binom{23}{3}$.