How many circles pass through 2 points but also tangent to a given circle


Given: a circle $O$. and $2$ points $A, B$ out of that circle.

How many new circles that are tangent to circle $O$ can we form which also pass through points $A,B$.

My Geometry is a somewhat rusty – I find hard time solving this because I am missing the new circle as there could be virtually infinite circles (with different radii and centers) that pass through 3 points ($A$, $B$, another point on circle $O$) – how do I know how many of them are tangent? My guess is only $2$ but I can't show it. I understand that this forum demands one to show effort, but really I have nothing to write here. Any help would be appreciated.

edit: I understand that in some settings the answer is $0$. so let's add a new condition that the points $A,B$ are both below the circle $O$. so the line between them does not reach the given circle.

Best Answer

# of tangent circles thru two points outside a given circle

Given a circle with radius $CE$ and two points $A$, $B$ outside the circle.

Join $AB$ and set up the perpendicular bisector at $D$.

On this line lie the centers of all circles passing through $A$, $B$, and from each of these points lines can be drawn: to $A$, and through center $C$ to the opposite side of the given circle (or to center $C$ through the near side).

Let $F$ be the (unique) point on the perpendicular bisector such that$$FA=FCE$$The circle drawn with center $F$ and radius $FA$ is internally tangent to the given circle, since common point $E$ lies on the line through their centers but not between them.

Next let $G$ be the (unique) point equidistant from $A$ and point $H$ on the near side of the given circle. The circle with center $G$ and radius $GA$ is externally tangent to the given circle since now $H$ lies on the line through their centers and between them.

I have not shown how to construct points $F$ and $G$, but if it's clear that these points on the perpendicular bisector exist, then two and only two circles pass through points $A$, $B$ tangent to the given circle, one internally and one externally.