How many 6-digit integers greater than 321,000 can be formed such that each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 is used once in each 6-digit integer


How many 6-digit integers greater than 321,000 can be formed such that each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 is used once in each 6-digit integer?

Keep original(fix) the hundred thousands, ten thousands, and thousands place (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$

Keep original(fix) hundred thousands, ten thousands, and the thousands place to two (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$

Keep original(fix) the hundred thousands, ten thousands, but the thousands place to four (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$

Keep original(fix) the hundred thousands, ten thousands, but the thousands place to five (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$

Keep original(fix) the hundred thousands, ten thousands, but the thousands place to six (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$

So far we have $ 5 \cdot 3!$

Keep original(fix) the hundred thousands, but ten thousands is $4$, the thousands (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$

Keep original(fix) the hundred thousands, but ten thousands is $5$, the thousands (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$ ..

Keep original(fix) the hundred thousands, but ten thousands is $6$, the thousands (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$ ..

Keep original(fix) the hundred thousands, but ten thousands is $4$, the thousands (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$

Keep original(fix) the hundred thousands, but ten thousands is $5$, the thousands (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$ ..

Set the hundred thousands to four, fix the ten thousands, the thousands (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$ ..

Set the hundred thousands to five, fix the ten thousands, the thousands (all permutations of the hundreds,tens, and ones is $3!.$ ..

Set the hundred thousands to six, fix the ten thousands, the thousands (all permutations of the hundreds, tens, and ones is $3!.$ ..

This is a bad system.

There are cases I'm not enumerating, and I don't have a system to enumerate them that allows me to multi-task and count multiple things at the same time. How to continue to capture all cases?

Best Answer

You are overcomplicating things. You need to permutate the numbers $1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6$ to form a 6 digits number. There are two ways to count how many are greater than $321\ 000$ : directly or by counting those smaller.


Your idea is good, but you have to many cases and it is hard to keep track of what you are doing.

Hundred thousand $4, 5$ of $6$, then the rest of the number doesn't matter, it will be greater. $$3\times 5!$$ Hundred thousand $3$, ten thousand $4, 5$ or $6$, then the rest of the number doesn't matter, it will be greater. $$1\times3\times 4!$$ Hundred thousand $3$, ten thousand $2$, then the rest of the number doesn't matter, it will be greater. (The smallest such numbers is $321\ 456$) $$1\times1\times 4!$$ Total $$3\times 5!+1\times3\times 4!+1\times1\times 4! = 456$$

Counting those smaller

There is $6! = 720$ 6 digits numbers made with $1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6$. How many of those are smaller than $321\ 000$? Hundred thousand $1$ or $2$, then the rest of the number doesn't matter, it will be smaller. $$2\times 5!$$ Hundred thousand $3$, then the ten thousand need to be $1$, the rest of the number doesn't matter.. $$1\times1\times 4!$$ Total smaller numbers $$2\times 5! + 1\times1\times 4!=264$$ Answer $$720-264=456$$