How many 10-letter words can you make using 3 A’s, 4 B’s, and the rest could be any letter from a 24-letter alphabet

combinationsdiscrete mathematicspermutations

How many 10-letter words (they don't have to be actual words) can you make using 3 A's, 4 B's and the rest could be any letter from a 24-letter alphabet?

I'm trying to solve this problem, and my thoughts as for now are:

There are $10!9!8!$ ways to put the A's, then for every way there are $7!6!5!4!$ ways to put the B's, and then? I think there are so many special cases, but I don't quite know how to work this out.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

First choose $3$ places for $A$ and $4$ places for B.

Number of ways to do that is $\displaystyle {10 \choose 3} {7 \choose 4}$

Now in remaining $3$ places, put any of the $24$ letters in $24^3$ ways (considering repetitions are allowed).

So total number of words that can be made is $ \ \displaystyle \frac{10!}{3! \ 3! \ 4!} \cdot 24^3$

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