How is this proof that monomorphisms in $\bf Set$ are injective sufficiently general


An arrow $\phi:A\to B$ in a category is monic if and only if for any object $X$ and all arrows $x,y:X\to A$ it follows that $\phi\circ x=\phi\circ y \implies x=y$.

As follows is the proof I have seen in multiple sources that the monomorphisms in the category of sets are injective. I am struggling with the generality of the portion following “(?).”

Proof. Let $\phi:A\rightarrowtail B$ be a monomorphism in $\bf Set$.
If $A$ has one element, the result is apparent; hence presume $a_1,a_2\in A$ with $a_1\neq a_2$. We aim to show that it follows that $\phi(a_1)\neq\phi(a_2)$, by definition of injection.

(?) Considering a singleton $\{e\}=X$, define the arrows $x:X\to A:e\mapsto a_1$ and $y:X\to A:e\mapsto a_2$.

By design $x\neq y$, so $\phi\circ x\neq\phi\circ y$ since $\phi$ is monic. These composite functions must be unequal at the only point in their domain:
\phi\circ x(e) &\neq \phi\circ y(e) \\
\phi(a_1) &\neq \phi(a_2) \tag*{$\blacksquare$}

This proof does not appear valid for all arrows in $\bf Set$ with target $A$. Rather, it seems specific to functions with a singleton domain.

Could someone please explain how this proof is sufficiently general?

Best Answer

You aren't trying to prove anything for all objects $X.$ You're trying to prove that $\phi(a_1)\ne \phi(a_2)$ when $a_1\ne a_2,$ using the assumption that for all objects $X$ and all functions $x,y:X\to A,$ $\phi\circ x=\phi\circ y\implies x=y.$ In particular, this assumption holds when $X=\{e\},$ which is all that is needed for the result. The converse of your theorem is thus the harder direction.