How is this done without conditional proof


Hurley, "…Logic" 8th ed. section 7.5 introduces conditional proof. Some exercises are designed to show proofs that are much easier using conditional proof. For example 7.5 I (2):

  1. $(F \implies E) \land (F \land E \implies R) $ Premise
  2. $(F \implies E) $ 1.
  3. $(F \land E \implies R)$ 1.
  4. $F$ Assumption
  5. $E$ 2.
  6. $F \land E$ 4, 5.
  7. $R$ 3.
  8. $F \implies R$ 4, 7.

I would like to see a proof of this without conditional proof. The allowable rules are these: Modus ponens, Modus tollens, Hypothetical syllogism, Disjunctive syllogism, Constructive Dilemma, And-introduction and elimination (named differently), Or-introduction, DeMorgan's laws, Commutivity, Associativity, distribution, double negation, Transposition (contrapositive), Material implication, Exportation $ (P \land Q) \implies R \iff (P \implies (Q \implies R))$, and tautologies $p \iff p \land p$, and $p \iff p \lor p$.

Translating things using material implication and then reducing using DeMorgan's and distribution is not working out for me. Constructive dilemma could be used on $ \lnot E \implies \lnot F $ and $E \implies (\lnot F \lor R))$ if we could introduce $E \lor \lnot E$, but there is no rule allowing this.

Best Answer

I think a possible proof in the style of Hurley's book (without using Conditional Proof), could be:

$ \def\fitch#1#2{\quad\begin{array}{|l}#1\\\hline#2\end{array}} $ $ \fitch{1.\,F \supset E\\ 2.\,(F \bullet E) \supset R \qquad \backslash F \supset R }{ 3.\,\lnot R \supset \lnot(F \bullet E) \qquad 2, \text{Trans}\\ 4.\,\lnot \lnot R \lor \lnot(F \bullet E)\qquad 3, \text{Impl}\\ 5.\,R \lor \lnot(F \bullet E)\qquad 4, \text{DN}\\ 6.\,R \lor (\lnot F \lor \lnot E)\qquad 5, \text{DM}\\ 7.\,(R \lor \lnot F) \lor \lnot E\qquad 6, \text{Assoc}\\ 8.\,\lnot E \lor (R \lor \lnot F)\qquad 7, \text{Com}\\ 9.\,\lnot E \lor (\lnot F \lor R)\qquad 8, \text{Com}\\ 10.\,E \supset (\lnot F \lor R)\qquad 9, \text{Impl}\\ 11.\,E \supset (F \supset R)\qquad 10, \text{Impl}\\ 12.\,F \supset (F \supset R)\qquad 1,11\,\text{HS}\\ 13.\,(F \bullet F) \supset R\qquad 12, \text{Exp}\\ 14.\,F \supset R \qquad 13, \text{Taut} } $

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