How is Procrustes Distance Defined


How is Procrustes Distance defined between two given datasets?
Assume that the datasets each of them having "k" points in "n" dimensions.

I couldn't find a proper source anywhere with a mathematical expression. I found some leads, but they are in research papers, etc.

In wikipedia there is a statement which says – "minimum sum of squared distances between corresponding landmarks" but is pointwise or corresponding points?, I'm not sure. Please help. Thanks

Best Answer

Procrustes Distance is defined as follows:

As you have already mentioned, assume that we have two datasets M and N of size [k x n], where k = number of datapoints, and n = no. of dimensions.

Procrustes method "transforms" M and N into A and B respectively.

And the method of the above transformation is governed (by translate, rotate and scaling rules) in order to minimise the Procrustes Distance between A and B.

$$ Procrustes\_distance(A, B) = \sqrt{\sum_{j=0}^n\sum_{i=0}^k(x^{A}_{ij} - x^{B}_{ij})^{2}} $$

In other words, consider $X = A - B$; Then, $$ Procrustes\_distance(A,B)=\operatorname{trace}\left(X^{T} X\right)^{\frac{1}{2}} $$

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