How is $P(A^c \cap B^c)$ the same as $1-P(A \cup B)$


I don't understand how $P(A^c \cap B^c) = 1-P(A \cup B)$ is the same?

If I draw $P(A^c \cap B^c)$ as a Venn diagram:
enter image description here

If I draw $P(A \cup B)$ as a Venn diagram:

enter image description here

So if I subtract $P(A \cup B)$ from 1, wouldn't that mean that I subtract $P(A \cup B)$ from the universe $\Omega$, which would result int this:

enter image description here

However, that would mean $P(A^c \cap B^c) \neq 1-P(A \cup B)$


As pointed out by multiple people. My diagram for $P(A^c \cap B^c)$ should look like the following and therefore the assumption of $P(A^c \cap B^c) = 1-P(A \cup B)$ is valid:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Your first diagram is incorrect. You seem to have drawn $A^c\cup B^c$ (as some other people have mentioned).

I would recommend drawing $A^c$ independently first, which consists of the rest of the universe and $B-A$. Then draw $B^c$ in a different color, noting again that you have the rest of the universe and $A-B$. The intersection of $A-B$ and $B-A$ is neither $A$ nor $B$, so you will end up without $A$ or $B$ in your final intersection. However, the rest of the universe is in both $A^c$ and $B^c$, therefore so is its intersection. Thus, you get that $P(A^c\cap B^c)$ is just the universe without $A$ or $B$, which is equivalent to $1-P(A\cup B)$.