How is it possible that some infinite sets are decidable


Note: as you can probably tell, I'm a layman without mathematical maturity but very interested in the foundations of math.

Def. A set is decidable if and only if there is an effective method for telling, for each thing that might be a member of the set, whether or not it really is a member.

Def. Effective method for solving a problem is a method for computing the answer that, if followed correctly and as far as necessary, is logically bound to give the right answer, and no wrong answer in a finite number of steps.

I learned that sets like natural numbers, even numbers, etc. are decidable. I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around how it is possible to have a finite method to decide all the members of an infinite set.

I think I need to understand this deeply to learn about the difference between denumerable sets and uncountable sets. I tried to follow Cantor's proof about uncountable sets, but I have trouble why a power set for example is uncountable.

Edit: Also, are all uncountable sets undecidable?

Best Answer

You are mixing several things from different parts of logic and set theory.

  1. When we talk about decidable sets, the standard context is sets of natural numbers, or sets of tuples of natural numbers. And we are talking about them in the sense that there is a Turing machine that given a natural number will always stop and tell us whether or not this number is in the given set.

    Turing machines can be thought of as computers. But not as physical computers. Those are ideal computers which are not limited by time, space, or energy constraints.

    So given a natural number, $n$ is it even? Well, we need to go through all the natural numbers $k$ and ask if $k+k=n$. But in fact we only need to do it for $k\leq n$. So after at most $n$ steps we know if something is even or if it is not even. Therefore the even numbers form a decidable set.

    Bit harder, but the set of prime numbers is also decidable. To judge whether or not $p$ is a prime we need to go through all the natural numbers $n<p$ and ask if there is some $k<p$ such that $n\cdot k=p$. Sure, it might take some time, but it's simple from a complexity point of view. After $p^2$ steps, we can decide if $p$ is a prime or not.

  2. When we talk about uncountable sets, this is normally in the setting of some set theory (which may or may not be in the background of what you're doing). There we only talk about existence of bijection between your set and the fixed set $\Bbb N$. If there is such bijection, your set is countable, otherwise it is not.

    You are not required to construct the bijection, or somehow provide a description for it. At least not in the classical settings of mathematics. You simply need to prove that there is one, or that there cannot be one. Cantor's diagonal argument shows that there cannot be a bijection between $\Bbb R$ and $\Bbb N$, so it is therefore the case that $\Bbb R$ is uncountable.

The two concepts are not really related. Decidable sets are countable (or finite), pretty much by the fact by definition as subsets of $\Bbb N$. But in the context of computability theory, the only sets of interest are subsets of $\Bbb N$ (or tuples of natural numbers, as we remarked above). So uncountability does not really come into play here.