How is $C_4$ constructed from the simple factor groups of its decomposition series


I often hear that a every finite group is build up from simple groups (specifically the factors in its decomposition series, which are unique by Jordan-Hölder). The cyclic group of order $4$ has a decomposition series
$$ 1 \lhd C_2 \lhd C_4 $$
with simple factors {$C_2$, $C_2$}.
Obviously $C_4 \neq C_2 \times C_2$ is true and $C_4 \neq C_2 \rtimes C_2$ holds as well, since in this case the semidiret product just coincides with the direct product, after all $Aut(C_2) = \{id\}$. In what way then is $C_4$ made up from those factors? I already read into extension theory a bit, but I don't feel it gives a concrete answer even for this simple example. What I mean by concrete is that for example the group $D_4$ (of order 8) can be written as $D_4 = (C_2 \times C_2) \rtimes C_2$. Here it is very clear to me how the group is made up from it's simple factors. Perhabs the naive question I'm really asking is something like this: Can we not define some general product $\star$, such that $C_2 \star C_2 = C_4$?

Best Answer

This is a good question.

I think historically, the hope in light of the Jordan-Holder Theorem, was that we would be able to understand/classify finite groups by doing two things:

  1. Determining and understanding all finite simple groups; and
  2. Figuring out how to understand all extensions of $K$ by $Q$, at least in terms of our understanding of each of $K$ and $Q$.

Now, it turned out that part 1 was hard (as witnessed by the Classification of Finite Simple Groups) but doable; but 2 is really hard.

Now, there is a class of cases where one can actually accomplish part 2 above pretty well, and it includes the case in which the normal subgroup is abelian; and even more so when the normal subgroup is central, which is the case here.

The basic idea is that we need an extra piece of information to construct the multiplication table. Just like we need an extra piece of information to construct a semidirect product $N\rtimes Q$ (namely, a morphism $\theta\colon Q\to\mathrm{Aut}(N)$) now we need an additional piece of information because when $1\to N\to G\to Q\to 1$ is our decomposition, there may be no subgroup of $G$ isomorphic to $Q$ to intersects $N$ trivially (as is the case in your situation, where $N=C_2$, $Q=C_2$, and we want $G$ to be $C_4$).

This is accomplished by the use of cocycles and cohomology. You can find an exposition of this in Rotman's Introduction to the Theory of Groups; in the 4th Edition, it is Chapter 7.

Briefly: assume that you already have a group $G$ with a normal subgroup $N$ and quotient $G/N = Q$. We can define a function $\ell\colon Q\to G$ with the property that $\pi\ell=\mathrm{id}_Q$, where $\pi$ is the canonical map $G\to G/N=Q$. If we can pick this map to be a group homomorphism then we get a semidirect product. But in general, we will have that $\ell(xy)\neq \ell(x)\ell(y)$ for $x,y\in Q$. So we need a "correction factor" that keeps track of this issue.

Explicitly, given an abelian group $N$ written additively, a group $Q$, a morphism $\theta\colon Q\to \mathrm{Aut}(N)$, we say that a function $f\colon Q\times Q\to N$ is a cocycle if and only if:

  1. $f(1,y)=f(x,1)=0$ for all $x,y\in Q$; and
  2. $\theta(x)(f(x,y)) - f(xy,z) + f(x,yz) - f(x,y) = 0$, the cocycle identity.

The second condition looks complicated, but it essentially comes from the following: we will define a group operation on $N\times Q$, but this operation will not satisfy $(0,x)\cdot (0,y) = (0,xy)$ in general, because it's not going to be a semidirect product. Instead, it will be given by $(0,x)\cdot (0,y) = (f(x,y),xy)$ (that's the "correction factor"). The identity in 2 above is precisely what is required to make sure that the resulting product is associative.

So given $N$, $Q$, $\theta\colon Q\to\mathrm{Aut}(N)$, and a cocycle $f$, we define a group $G$ which is an extension of $N$ by $Q$, as follows:

The underlying set of $G$ is $N\times Q$, ordered pairs $(a,x)$ with $a\in N$ and $x\in Q$.

The operation $\cdot$ on $G$ is the following: $$(a,x)\cdot(b,y) = (a+\theta(x)(b) + f(x,y), xy).$$

The cocycle identity ensures this is associative. The identity element is $(0,1)$. The inverse of $(a,x)$ is $$(-\theta(x^{-1})(a) - \theta(x^{-1})f(x,x^{-1}),x^{-1}).$$

Note that $N$ lies in the center of the resulting group if and only if $\theta$ is the trivial map, in which case the cocycle identity simplifies to $$f(y,z)-f(xy,z)+f(x,yz)-f(x,y) = 0.$$ Then the operation on the ordered pairs simplifies to $$(a,x)\cdot(b,y) = (a+b+f(x,y),xy)$$ and the inverse to $$(a,x)^{-1} = (-a-f(x,x^{-1}),x^{-1}).$$

Now, in our case we have $N=C_2=\{0,x\}$, and $Q=C_2=\{1,y\}$. The action is trivial, because $N$ is central, so we are in the "easy" situation above.

Define $f\colon Q\times Q\to K$ by $f(1,1)=f(1,y)=f(y,1)=0$ and $f(y,y)=x$. This satisfies the cocycle identity $$f(b,c)-f(ab,c)+f(a,bc)-f(a,b)=0.$$ Then the resulting group $(K\times Q,\cdot)$ is the cyclic group of order four. Indeed, it is generated by $(0,y)$: $$\begin{align*} (0,y)^2 = (0,y)\cdot (0,y) &= (0+0+f(y,y),y^2) = (x,1)\\ (0,y)^3 = (x,1)\cdot(0,y) &= (x+0+f(1,y),y) = (x,y)\\ (0,y)^4 = (x,y)\cdot(0,y) &= (x+0+f(y,y),y^2) = (x+x,1) = (0,1). \end{align*} $$ and so we have realized $C_4$ as a group on $K\times Q$ with the help of the cocycle $f$.