Linear Algebra – How Does W ? W00? Hoffman and Kunze Theorem 3.18

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Hoffman and Kunze theorem 3.18 . If $S$ is any subset of a finite-dimensional vector space $V$,
then $(S^0)^0$ is the subspace spanned by $S$.

$S^0$ is the annihilator of $S$ and $S^{00}$ is annihilator of $S^0

if $W$ is the subspace spanned by $S$ then the book stated that $W \subset W^{00}$ and so $W=W^{00}$

But how is this true ? if $V^{*} $ is a dual for $V$ and $V^{* *}$ is a dual for $V^{*}$ then $W^{00}$ should be in $V^{* *}$ not $V$ , I know that there is an isomorphism from $V$ to $V^{* *}$ but what does that have to do with this theorem?

Best Answer

As mentioned by @Sangchul Lee the finite dimensional vector space $V$ over the field $\mathbb{F}$ is naturally isomorphic with its double dual $V^{\ast \ast}.$ The isomorphism is the map that takes $v\in V$ to the evaluation of a functional at $v$, i.e. $v \mapsto v^{\ast\ast}$ with $v^{\ast\ast}(f) = f(v)$ for all $f \in V^\ast.$

Let $S$ be a subset of $V$ and $W = \text{span}(S)$ the subspace of $V$ generated by $S.$ Note that $S^\circ \subseteq V^\ast$ is the set of functionals $f\colon V \to \mathbb{F}$ that vanish on $S$, i.e. $f(s) = 0$ for all $s \in S.$ By linearity of $f$, this also means that $f(w) = 0$ for all $w \in W.$ The double polar $S^{\circ\circ} \subset V^{\ast\ast}$ is the set of all functionals $\phi \colon V^\ast \to \mathbb{F}$ that vanish on $S^\circ,$ that is $\phi(f) = 0$ for all $f \in S^\circ.$ By the natural isomorphism, we can see $S^{\circ \circ} \subseteq V^{\ast\ast} \cong V$ as a set of elements $v$ for which the evaluation at $v$ of a fucntional $f \in S^\circ$ is $0$, i.e. $v^{\ast\ast}(f) = f(v) = 0$ for all $f \in S^\circ.$

Now let us proof that $W = S^{\circ\circ}.$ Let therefore $\{s_1,\dots,s_n\}$ be a basis for $W$ and complete it to $\{s_1, \dots, s_n,r_1,\dots, r_m\}$ to yield a basis for $V$ with $s_i \in S, i =1,\dots,n$ and $r_j\in V \setminus S, j = 1,\dots, m.$

If $v \in W$, then we can uniquely write $v = a_1s_1 + \dots + a_n s_n$ for some $a_i \in \mathbb{F}.$ We see this $v$ as the element $v^{\ast \ast} \in V^{\ast \ast}.$ Then for any $f \in S^{\circ},$ we know $\left. f\right|_S = 0$, therefore, by linearity of $f$ we have $$ v^{\ast\ast}(f) = f(v) = 0,$$ and hence $v^{\ast \ast} \in S^{\circ\circ}.$ Using the identification we write $W \subset S^{\circ\circ}.$

For the other direction. Consider the functionals $f_j \colon V \to \mathbb{F}$ given by

$$ f_j(v) = b_j, \quad \text{ if } v = a_1 s_1 + \dots + a_ns_n + b_1 r_1 + \dots + b_m r_m $$

note that the decomposition of this $v$ is unique. Then $f_j \in S^\circ$ for $j=1,\dots, m$ follows. Now let $\phi \in S^{\circ\circ}$ be arbitrary and use the isomorphism to write $\phi = v^{\ast \ast}$ for some $v \in V.$ Note that $\phi$ vanishes on $S^\circ.$ This means $v^{\ast\ast}(f) = \phi(f) = 0$ for $f \in S^\circ.$ We now show that $v$ lies in $W.$ Decomposing $v = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i s_i + \sum_{j=1}^m b_j r_j,$ then yields that $v^{\ast\ast}(f_j)=f_j(v)=b_j =0$ for all $j$ as $f_j \in S^{\circ}$ and hence $v \in W.$ We conclude $S^{\circ \circ} \subset W$ (under the isomorphism).

I hope it helps a bit, there might be a shorter argument.

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