Approximation Theory – How to Decide on the Numerator/Denominator Ratio in a Pade Approximation?

approximation-theorypade approximationsoft-question

I appreciate that Pade approximants are often nicer than Taylor series; I know that if you take a Pade approximant of order $M/N$ it corresponds loosely to a Taylor approximation of order $M+N$.

Soft question, and apologies if this is deemed a bad question:

If I take $M+N$ as fixed, how do I make a decision on the ratio between $M$ and $N$? I expect this will depend on the function at hand, or perhaps on the computing system we are designing the approximant for, but in general what are the rules of thumb for this? I have tried to research this but have seen no way to make the decision, yet I feel the decision must be important somehow.

Best Answer

I give you my personal solution.

Suppose that you expand your function $f(x)$ around a given point $x=a$ and that the first term corresponds to a degree $p$. Then I choose the $[p+n,n]$ Padé approximant. This exactly coincides with @SV-97 comment.

If you look at this question of mine, which never recieved any answer, you will see one example and a similar concern.

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