How does negative power of laurent series vanish


Suppose the function is an analytic function on $\{\omega={z:0<|z|\le 1}$}.Moreover $f$ satisfies $ |f(z)| \le \frac{1}{|z|^{1/2}}|\sin(\frac{1}{|z|})|$ for all $z$ in $\omega$. $a_n$ is the coefficient of Laurent series. I want to show that $a_n$ is zero for negative $n$. I apply Cauchy-Goursat thereom since $f(z)(z)^n$ for positive n is analytic on the annulus except for one point. Is this valid?

Best Answer

Let $r \in (0,1)$ and let $n \in \mathbb Z$ such that $n \le -1$. We have

$a_n= \frac{1}{2 \pi i} \int_{|z|=r} \frac{f(w)}{w^{n+1}} dw$.

An easy estimation gives

$|a_n| \le r^{-n-1/2} \sin(1/r)$.

Since $r \in (0,1)$ was arbitrary and $\sin(1/r)$ is bounded, we get with $r \to 0$ that $a_n=0$.

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