How Do You Cut the Maximum Volume Cuboid from a General 3D Shape


I would like to find a way to cut the maximum cuboid slab out of 3D crystalline structures. For example, say I have some 3D convex polyhedral shape, how would I go about finding the maximum cuboid that could be enclosed by that shape? With the extra limiting factor that the cuboid edges must be parallel to the x, y, z axes.

I am unaware of any algorithm for solving this problem in 2D or 3D.

Currently I am thinking of dividing the space into cubes and slowly expanding the cube surface in each direction around a central point until I can't expand anymore in each direction. Would this be an appropriate method?

Is there a general method I am unaware of? Ideally it should be possible to port the method to a computer. A 2D example of the 3D problem is given below:

2D crystal plane with rough estimate of maximum inscribable rectangle

Each point represents an atom in a crystal plane, and the blue rectangle represents and estimate of the maximum inscribable rectangle. Ideally I would like an algorithmic way to define the blue box. In 3D the blue box would be represented by a cuboid instead.

Best Answer

A search for largest rectangle in a polygon shows that this problem has been studied in the plane.

Here is a solution that would find the rectangle in your illustration (it's a computer science student project, well done and well documented).

I suspect the three dimensional problem is a fair bit harder.

(This link only answer posted at the OP's request.)

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