How close are birational surfaces to being isomorphic


Birational geometry is extremely difficult for me to comprehend, because this type of transformation is so general and seems to preserve so little of the geometry. For example cubic surfaces are birational to hyperboloids, but the former class has 27 lines on it and the latter has infinitely many. I have little to no intuition regarding how birational maps behave geometrically and how one should "imagine" them, and would like to lessen that gap.

Now, for algebraic curves the situation isn't so bad, because we have the theorem that two smooth birational algebraic curves are isomorphic. I'm looking for similar results regrading algebraic surfaces – results that give insight (at least in special cases) about how close birational surfaces are to being isomorphic. I find the above theorem about curves to be a nice result because isomorphism of algebraic varieties does preserve geometric properties reasonably well – like singularities, local structure (Puiseaux expansion) etc, so I just think about smooth birational curves as having the same shape and it seems enough. For surfaces however, there is a very rich theory concerned with birationally classifying them, but I can't seem to understand what is the importance of this theory, because I can't imagine what is "similar" about birational surfaces. Are there similar (probably partial) results concerning the relationship between birational equivalence and isomorphism of algebraic surfaces? (I'm aware that every birational map is a sequence of blow-ups and blow-downs, but I don't really understand from that how similar birational surfaces are.)

Best Answer

The structure theory is more complicated than for curves, but is still relatively concrete:

  1. Birational maps of surfaces factor as sequences of blow-ups at points.

  2. Every birational equivalence class of surfaces, other than the ruled surfaces (those birational to $C \times \mathbb{P}^1$ for $C$ a curve) contains a unique minimal model, which is to say a smooth surface $S$ that cannot be "blown down": any rational map $S \to S'$ is an isomorphism. (Ruled surfaces also have minimal models, but they are not unique.)

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