How can you learn advanced math if you don’t have books or a teacher to consult


Everyone says to read book "xyz", but I have never found books to helpful for several reasons.

  1. You can't ask a book a deep question to do with understanding.
  2. No book is perfect.
  3. I can't afford them.
  4. I have ADHD (although I have no difficulty sitting and thinking about math for hours because it really interests me).
  5. This might be different with areas of math I'm not used to, but I've always ended up learning things in the past by finding a missing piece in my understanding at which point I can derive most of everything I need, and end up skipping chapters of the book altogether.

Furthermore, I am not connected to anyone I can ask questions to, although I wish I was. Whenever I meet a mathematician, I try to do everything to make the best of the situation. I have tried using Math Stack Exchange, but it just isn't enough to fully teach yourself a subject (and additionally, I don't always feel safe asking questions here). You can visit my profile to see the kinds of questions I've been asking.

I love math. However, after going through all the regular calculus stuff, as well as multivariable and vector calculus as well as a conceptual understanding of linear algebra, I'm pretty much stuck. I've been putting more time than ever into learning math of a wide variety with almost no results.

What I do have is the internet.

What is general advice for learning math from the internet?

Best Answer

What has worked for me is instead of searching for a "$xyz$" textbook, search for an online free class with an available syllabus. Preferably a class where you have lectures recorded, exercise lists available and a textbook which can be accessed online via a pdf file. This way you won't be intimidated by the volume of the textbook and things that you need to study will already be pinpointed and highlighted by a professor. I know that MIT and Harvard have a nice open course wares.

Good luck !