How can we find Lambert W solution to $\dfrac {x\ln x}{\ln x+1}=\dfrac{e}{2}$

algebra-precalculuslambert-wlogarithmstranscendental equations

Find all real solutions: $$\frac {x\ln x}{\ln x+1}=\frac{e}{2}$$

Cross multiplication gives $$2x\ln x=\ln (x^e)+e$$ I didn't see any useful thing here. I tried solving this equation in WA. The interesting thing is that Wolfram provides $2$ real approximate solutions.$$x\approx 0.282858…$$ $$x\approx 2.71828…$$

When I looked at one of these solutions, I easily saw that the second solution was the Euler Number and immediately tried it in the equation.

$$\frac {e\ln e}{\ln e+1}=\frac {e}{1+1}=\frac {e}{2}$$

Indeed $x=e$ is a correct solution. One of the solutions is correct, but reaching that solution doesn't actually give us an idea of ​​the equation. Also I have no idea about the first solution.

Can we find Lambert W solution to $\dfrac {x\ln x}{\ln x+1}=\dfrac{e}{2}$ ?

Best Answer

There already were methods mentioned to find $x=e$, but for the other root, apply Lagrange reversion: $$\frac {x\ln x}{\ln x+1}=\frac e2\mathop\iff^{x=\sqrt[w]e} e(w+1)=2\sqrt[w]e\implies x=\frac1e-\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{\left(\frac 2e\right)^n}{n!}\left.\frac{d^{n-1}}{dw^{n-1}}\frac{e^\frac{n+1}w}{w^2}\right|_{-1}$$

Using a Maclaurin series and factorial power $n^{(m)}$ for the derivatives:


This uses a confluent hypergeometric function. We rewrite it as a Laguerre polynomial sum and apply a Laguerre $\operatorname L_n^1(x)$ integral representation,

$$\bbox[4px,border: 2.7px double #5ADEFF]{\frac {x\ln x}{\ln x+1}=\frac e2\implies x=e,x=1-\sum_{n=1}^\infty\left(\frac2e\right)^{n-1}\,_1\text F_1(n;2;-n)=\frac1e+\frac1{2\pi}\int_0^{2\pi}e^{it-e^{it}-1}\ln(1-2(e^{it}+1)e^{-e^{it}-it-2})dt}$$

$x=0.28285\dots$ is shown here

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