How can we calculate the following limit


I came across this problem and spent a lot of time on this but couldn't figure it out.

$$\lim_{x\to\infty}\left({\frac{2 \arctan(x)}{\pi}}\right)^x$$

Using a general approach for $1^\infty$ type, I could come to the following expression:

$$ e^\left(\lim_{x\to\infty}{x\frac{2 \arctan(x)}{\pi}-1}\right) $$

But I can't get further from this.

I was able to observe that this is a ($\infty*0$)form so maybe we could transform the whole parenthesis with the $\arctan$ in the denominator so that we could get a $\frac{\infty}{\infty}$ form which could enable us to use L'Hospital's rule here but I that didn't yield a good result.

Is there any better way to do this?

Best Answer

You were going the right way. All that is left is to write the limit with $\frac 1x$ in the denominator, then one application of L'Hospital's rule.

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