How can the second derivative of a function be used to find whether a point is a local minimum or local maximum


In my A-level textbook, it states that if there is a stationary point at $x=a$ and $f''(a)>0$ then the point is a local minimum because "the gradient is increasing from a negative value to a positive value, so the stationary point is a minimum." I'm finding it difficult to understand what it means by "the gradient is increasing". Between a range of values such as $x=1$ and $x=2$, I can comprehend the concept that the gradient has increased, but it feels like the gradient at a single point has to be fixed. For example, the first derivative of $f(x)=x^2$ is $f'(x)=2x$, and the second derivative is $f''(x)=2$. At $x=1$, the tangent to the curve has the gradient $2x$, and at $x=2$, the gradient is $4x$. Therefore, the gradient has increased, but at a single point the gradient seems like it must be constant. Where have I gone wrong?

Best Answer

For $a$ to be a stationary point, $f'(a)=0$.

The second derivative of the function represents the gradient of the gradient, and therefore can be used to find whether the gradient is increasing or decreasing.

If $f''(a)>0$, then this says the gradient is increasing. It can only "increase" from

  • a zero value to an infinite value or,
  • from a negative value to a positive value.

When the gradient increases from a negative value to a positive value, it means that it should have been zero at some point in between.

Now, if the gradient goes from negative to positive, then the curve changes its nature from decreasing to increasing. This happens only in the immediate neighborhood of a local minimum, if you think about it.

Here the blue line has a gradient less than 0, and the green one has a gradient greater than 0.

See what I mean?

Your textbook is a little incomplete. When they say the gradient has "increased", they mean the gradient's sign has changed in the neighborhood of $a$. That is from $a-h$ to $a+h$, where $h=\lim_{x\rightarrow 0, x>0}x$

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