How are all possible poker hands of equal probability


Please pardon the elementary question, for some reason I'm not grocking why all possible poker hand combinations are equally probable, as all textbooks and websites say. Just intuitively I would think getting 4 of a number is much more improbably than getting 1 of each number, if I were to draw 4 cards. For example, ignoring order, to get 4 of a single number there are only $4 \choose 4$ distinct possibilities, whereas for 1 of each number I would have ${4 \choose 1}^4$ distinct possibilities.

Best Answer

Yes, that's true, but they mean that any particular hand of 5 cards has the same probability as any other hand of 5 cards. Once you start talking about the probability of a pair or four of a kind, you're talking about the probability of getting one of a number of hands. To put it another way, the probability of drawing a royal flush in spades is exactly the same as the probability of drawing the 2,3 of diamonds, the 6,8 of clubs, and the Jack of hearts.

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