How analytic continuation allows for proof of these 2 theorems in theory of Partitions

analytic-continuationanalytic-number-theorycomplex-analysisinteger-partitionsnumber theory

Consider these 2 theorems in textbook apsotol introduction to analytic number theory.

1st is generating functions for partitions

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I have self studied text and need help in verifying the argument of use of analytic continuation in last image( last line of proof) : Is it due to reason that we can differentiate the formula derived infinitely many times for all complex numbers in disk |x|<1?

Similarly, in case of proof of Euler Pentagonal Theorem here :

enter image description here

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See 2nd line of First image : Author says about analytic continuation. My understanding is that is it due to the fact that infinitely times differentiable in |x|<1 .

Am i right or wrong. Do I need to add something else.

I ask my questions here because there is no one to whom I can ask as it is not taught in my university.

Kindly shed some light on this.

Best Answer

The principle of analytic continuation is reliant on the identity theorem.

Suppose that $f,g$ are analytic on $\Omega$, a connected open set, and the set of points where $f = g$ has a limit point. Then, $f=g$ on $\Omega$.

Now, the question is this : we have the functions $F(x) = \frac{1}{\prod (1+x^k)}$ and the power series $G(x) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty p(k)x^k$. These are functions , for now defined on $[0,1)$, which agree on $[0,1)$.

Now, analytic continuation is basically this : suppose we find a holomorphic function $F_1$ on the unit disk which extends $F$, and a holomorphic function on the unit disk $G_1$ which extends $G$. Since $F=G$ on $[0,1)$, $F_1 = G_1$ on $[0,1)$, which contains the limit point $0$, and therefore by the identity theorem, $F_1=G_1$ on the entire unit disk.

But what are $F_1$ and $G_1$? The answer to this is fairly obvious : the expressions which define $F$ and $G$ also end up making sense on the entire unit disk.

That is, for $\{|z|<1\}$ define $F_1(z) = \frac 1{\prod (1+z^k)}$. Does this make sense? Indeed it does, for the exact same reason it did for $x$. We have the following theorem for infinite products.

Suppose that $a_n \neq -1$ is a sequence of complex numbers with $\sum_{n=1}^\infty |a_n| < \infty$. Then the infinite product $\prod_{n=1}^\infty (1+a_n)$ converges absolutely to a non-zero quantity.

With this in mind, the obvious check on $\prod_{k=1}^\infty{(1+z^k)}$ shows that $F_1$ exists on $\{|z|<1\}$. This extends $F$, obviously.

Now, for $G_1$ take the power series defining $G$ i.e. define $G_1(z) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} p(k)z^k$. A theorem concerning power series easily shows that $G_1$ is defined on $|z| < 1$ :

Suppose that $\sum a_kz^k$ is a power series centered around zero, and suppose that $\sum a_kr^k < \infty$ for some $r>0$. Then , for every $|z|<r$, we have $\sum a_kz^k < \infty$.

That is, finding one number for which a power series converges, gives a lot of other numbers for which that power series converges.

Now, $G_1$ is easily defined on $|z|< 1$ : for any $|z|<1$, we know that $G_1(\frac{1+|z|}{2}) = G(\frac{1+|z|}{2}) < \infty$, so $G_1(z) < \infty$.

Thus, $G_1$ and $F_1$ are well defined, so by the usual theorem they agree on the unit disk. This is what is meant by "analytic continuation" of the identity $ F(x)= \sum_{k=0}^\infty p(k)x^k$.

Part $2$ is exactly the same. The side $\prod(1-x^m)$ extends by the result for infinite products on $|z|<1$, and the power series extends by the theorem for power series. Thus, the same argument yields equality on $|z|<1$.

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