Hopf Bifurcation – Planar System

bifurcationchaos theorydynamical systemsordinary differential equations

Consider the planar system,
$$x'=x(\mu-2x)-xy, \ \ \ y'=y(x-1)+y^2 \ \ \ (\mu\in\mathbb{R}).$$

It can be shown that $(x^*,y^*)=\left(\mu-1, \ 2-\mu\right)$ is a fixed point of the above system. But what is the bifurcation phenomena of this fixed point? The stability matrix associated with this fixed point is $$A=\begin{pmatrix}
2-2\mu & 1-\mu \\
2-\mu & 2-\mu
The eigenvalues of $A$ can be expressed as $$\lambda=\frac{(4-3\mu)\pm\sqrt{5\mu^2-12\mu+8}}{2}.$$
My initial thought was that $\mu=\frac{4}{3}$ was a Hopf bifurcation, as $\Re(\lambda)=0$. But from my understanding, $\lambda$ must be purely imaginary when $\mu=\frac{4}{3}$ for this to be a Hopf bifurcation, and this is not the case.

Perhaps a bifurcation point does not exist?

Best Answer


As the roots for $5\mu^2-12\mu + 8 = 0$ are complex, no existence of Hopf bifurcation.

Follows the plot for the eigenvalues

$$ \frac{1}{2} \left(4-3\mu\pm\sqrt{5 \mu ^2-12 \mu +8}\right) $$

enter image description here

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