Homotopy category of a symmetric monoidal $(\infty,1)$-category is symmetric monoidal


Let $\mathcal{C}$ be symmetric monoidal $(\infty,1)$-category, that is, a functor $\mathcal{C} \colon \Delta^{\text{op}} \times \Gamma^\text{op} \to \text{sSet}$, where $\Delta$ is the simplex category, $\Gamma$ is the opposite category of the skeleton of finite pointed sets $\text{Fin}_\star$ (objects are all the sets $\langle l \rangle = \{\star, 1,\ldots, l\}$ and morphisms are basepoint preserving maps), such that $\mathcal{C}$ satisfies Segal's special $\Delta$-condition:
$$\mathcal{C}_{a+b} \overset{\simeq}{\longrightarrow}\mathcal{C}_{a} \times_{\mathcal{C}_0} \mathcal{C}_b$$
Moreover, $\mathcal{C}$ satisfies Segal's special $\Gamma$-condition:
$$\mathcal{C}\langle l \rangle \overset{\prod\limits_{i=1}^l \mathcal{C}\delta_i}{\longrightarrow} (\mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle)^l$$
is a weak equivalence, where $\delta_i \colon \langle l \rangle \to\langle 1 \rangle$ is the map which sends every element $j \neq i$ in $\langle l \rangle$ to $\star$ and $i$ to $1$. In particular, $\mathcal{C}$ is fibrant with respect to the injective model structure on the category of simplicial presheaves on $(\Delta\times \Gamma)$ denoted $\text{Psh}_\Delta(\Delta\times \Gamma)$. The $(\infty,1)$-category $\mathcal{C}\langle 1\rangle$ is then called the underlying symmetric monoidal $(\infty,1)$-category. My question is the following:

Given $\mathcal{C}$ as above, we may consider the resulting homotopy category $\mathfrak{h}_1\mathcal{C}\langle 1\rangle$. This category has as its set of objects the elements of the set $\mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle_{0,0}$, while for objects $x,y$ the corresponding hom-set is given by
$$\mathfrak{h}_1\mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle(x,y) = \pi_0(\{x\} \times_{\mathcal{C}\langle 1\rangle_{0,\bullet}} \mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle_{1,\bullet} \times_{\mathcal{C}\langle 1\rangle_{0,\bullet}}\{y\})$$ and composition of morphisms is induced by means of Segal's special $\Delta$-conditions. I want to prove that $\mathfrak{h}_1\mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle$ is not just a category, but a symmetric monoidal category.

I have tried the following: I think the idea of how to go about this is pretty clear. We realize that we first need to define a tensor product for the symmetric monoidal structure. This is done by looking at the weak equivalence
$$\mathcal{C}\langle 2 \rangle \overset{\mathcal{C}\delta_1\times \mathcal{C}\delta_2}{\longrightarrow} (\mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle)^2$$ In fact, we take a weak inverse of this map and call it $m \colon (\mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle)^2 \to \mathcal{C}\langle 2\rangle$ and compose this map with $\mathcal{C}\varphi\colon \mathcal{C}\langle 2\rangle \to \mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle$ which is induced by $\varphi \colon \langle 2 \rangle \to \langle 1\rangle, 1,2 \mapsto 1$ to obtain a map $\otimes \colon (\mathcal{C}\langle 1\rangle)^2 \to \mathcal{C}\langle1\rangle$. Passing to the homotopy category, this induces a functor $$\otimes \colon \mathfrak{h}_1\mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle \times \mathfrak{h}_1\mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle \to \mathfrak{h}_1\mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle$$ In order to obtain the braiding isomorphism we shall use the twist map $t \colon \langle 2 \rangle \to \langle 2\rangle, 1,2 \mapsto 2,1$. This gives us an isomorphism $\mathcal{C}(t) \colon \mathcal{C}\langle 2\rangle \to \mathcal{C}\langle 2\rangle$ and the indcued twist map $\tau$ must then be given by the composition
$$\mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle \times \mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle \overset{m}{\longrightarrow} \mathcal{C}\langle 2\rangle \overset{\mathcal{C}(t)}{\longrightarrow} \mathcal{C}\langle 2\rangle \overset{\mathcal{C}\delta_1\times \mathcal{C}\delta_2}{\longrightarrow} \mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle \times \mathcal{C}\langle 1 \rangle$$ We have to show that after having passed to homotopy categories, we have a natural isomorphism
$$\otimes \circ \tau \cong \otimes$$ I am not sure on how to proceed here to obtain this natural isomorphism. In fact, before passing to homotopy categories we should get a weak equivalence $\otimes \circ \tau \simeq \otimes$ of sorts, though I am not sure what I mean by that yet. I think that once one has the correct idea, also the remaining axioms are easy to check.

How to construct the above morphism?

Best Answer

before passing to homotopy categories we should get a weak equivalence $⊗∘τ≃⊗$

Since $⊗∘τ$ and $⊗$ are both morphisms $\def\cC{{\cal C}}\cC⟨1⟩^2→\cC⟨1⟩$, what we are looking for is a homotopy between them.

We have $$⊗=\cC φ∘m, \qquad τ=(\cC δ_1,\cC δ_2)∘\cC t∘m.$$ Now $$⊗∘τ=\cC φ∘m∘(\cC δ_1,\cC δ_2)∘\cC(t)∘m,$$ which can be simplified by observing that $m∘(\cC δ_1,\cC δ_2)$ is canonically homotopic to identity, given that $m$ has defined as the inverse of $(\cC δ_1,\cC δ_2)$. Thus, $$⊗∘τ≃\cC φ∘\cC t∘m=\cC(φ∘t)∘m=\cC φ∘m=⊗,$$ as desired.

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