Homemorphic problem between circle and torus: how to write up the proof


Source:A first course on topology. Robert Conover

Ex 6,pg 90


Let $S^1$ denote the unit circle as subspace of the Euclidean plane. Let T denote the (hollow)torus as subspace of 3-space with product topology that gets by
virtue of being
R$\times$ R $\times$ R
(Where each copy or R has its usual topology)

Let $S^1 \times S^1$ have the product topology and show that $S^1 \times S^1$ and T are homeomorphic

What I know
Here is a possible analytic def of T and some ideas I found
on how to do it.


I know how to do homeomorphic problems
when simple,but this one baffles me.

Procedure is:

1.show it is bijection


3.inverse exists

I can say $S^1 \times S^1$ are 2 closed circles and is continuous within the subspace of the torus. I don’t know how to show the math for it. There does not seem any neat way to do
a bijection between a sphere and a torus that I can find.

Any help in showing the proof would be appreciated

Best Answer

Hint: $T$ is presumably given as a surface of revolution with a circle as the generatrix and a suitable axis of rotation. This description will immediately give the map you are looking for from $S^1 \times S^1$ to $T$. To prove that it is a homeomorphism, show that it is bijective and continuous and observe that an bijective continuous mapping between two compact hausdorff spaces is closed and hence its inverse is continuous.

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