Holomorphic Banach-valued functions and composition


I am working on an article about holomorphic functions over complex Banach spaces. To complete a corollary's proof, I was wondering if there exists a result in the following direction:

Let $X,Y$ be complex Banach spaces, $T$ a bounded linear operator from $X$ to $Y$ and $\Gamma: \mathbb{D} \to X$ a holomorphic mapping. Is there some way to asssure that there is a holomorphic function $f: \mathbb{D} \to Y$ with $f(0)=0$, such that $f' = T \circ \Gamma$?

The only thing that I could prove is that $T \circ \Gamma$ is a holomorphic function. I know that a mathematician called Paul Garrett worked on the line of holomorphic vector-valued functions, but I cannot found something specifically related with this.

Best Answer

The map $T$ here is really not relevant; you might as well just replace $\Gamma$ with $T\circ\Gamma$ at the start. That is, suppose $\Gamma:\mathbb{D}\to Y$ is holomorphic. Then you want to find a holomorphic $f:\mathbb{D}\to Y$ such that $f(0)=0$ and $f'=\Gamma$. You can do this in the same way as in the case $Y=\mathbb{C}$: just integrate. That is, define $$f(z)=\int_0^z\Gamma(s)\,ds$$ where the integral is a Bochner integral of $Y$-valued functions along some path from $0$ to $z$. To prove that $f'=\Gamma$, you can first show that the integral above is independent of the path chosen by composing with an arbitrary bounded linear functional $\alpha:Y\to\mathbb{C}$ to reduce to the case $Y=\mathbb{C}$ (as discussed in this answer). Once you have that, you can prove that $f'=\Gamma$ by exactly the same argument as in the case $Y=\mathbb{C}$.

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