Linear Independence – Hoffman and Kunze on Sequence vs. Set

linear algebravector-spaces

At the end of a long chapter in which they introduce the basic definitions of linear independence, basis, and dimension (Chapter 2.3 of the second edition), Hoffman and Kunze (HK) provide the following discussion where they seem to define linear independence now for $n$-tuples (rather than, as before, for sets).

I'm not sure I "get it" for a couple reasons:

  1. I am a reader who "feels this paragraph is much ado about nothing". Can anyone explain why it's something? I'll add that those two vectors which are given are linearly independent, but I don't know what point is trying to be made?

  2. It seems like we've shown that linear independence of a sequence implies linear independence of the corresponding set, but linear independence of the set need not imply linear independence of any sequence built therefrom, since we could double up elements of the set in the sequence (the contrapositive, that linear dependence of the sequence need not imply the linear dependence of the set — in particular when the sequence has repeats — is what HK were talking about). Is this understanding correct? And, if so, why does that matter?

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Best Answer

It's almost much ado about nothing. In linear algebra, when we don't need or care about the ability to denote the same vector twice, or to denote vectors in a particular order, it can be convenient to work with sets of vectors. Other times, when we do care about one or both of those things -- like when choosing basis vectors in a certain order for coordinate representations, as the authors do in the next section -- it's more convenient to work with lists (sequences, tuples) of vectors.

The issue the authors are trying to highlight is that we need to be careful about distinctness of vectors in relation to linear dependence when switching between sets and lists. Consider the definition of linear dependence for sets, paraphrased here (from p.40):

A set $S$ of vectors is linearly dependent if there exist distinct vectors $\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n$ in $S$ and scalars $c_1,\ldots,c_n$ not all zero such that $c_1\alpha_1+\cdots+c_n\alpha_n=0$.

Notice we require distinctness of $\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n$ here. If we didn't, then any nonempty set $S$ of vectors would trivially be linearly dependent, because for $\alpha\in S$ we can always take $\alpha_1=\alpha_2=\alpha$ and write $1\cdot\alpha_1+(-1)\cdot\alpha_2=0$.

On the other hand, compare this with the corresponding definition for (finite) lists, in which the elements need not be distinct, paraphrased (from p.47):

The vectors $\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n$ are linearly dependent if there exist scalars $c_1\ldots,c_n$ not all zero such that $c_1\alpha_1+\cdots+c_n\alpha_n=0$.

At first glance it's tempting to think that a list $(\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n)$ is linearly dependent if and only if its underlying set $\{\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n\}$ is, but that's false because of the distinctness issue. More specifically if the underlying set is linearly dependent, then the list is linearly dependent, but the converse is false.

The example they give is meant to illustrate this difference epistemically. In $\mathbb{R}^2$ if $\alpha_1=(e^{\pi/2},1)$ and $\alpha_2=(\sqrt[3]{110},1)$, then we know that the set $\{\alpha_1,\alpha_2\}$ is linearly independent (that is, not linearly dependent) even if we don't know whether $e^{\pi/2}=\sqrt[3]{110}$:

  • If $e^{\pi/2}\ne\sqrt[3]{110}$, then the set is linearly independent since $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$ are not scalar multiples of each other.
  • If $e^{\pi/2}=\sqrt[3]{110}$, then $\alpha_1=\alpha_2$, so $\{\alpha_1,\alpha_2\}=\{\alpha_1\}$ is also linearly independent since $\alpha_1\ne0$.

On the other hand to know that the list $(\alpha_1,\alpha_2)$ is linearly independent, we need to know that $e^{\pi/2}\ne\sqrt[3]{110}$.

Is this a big deal? No. In fact some books which use both sets and lists don't even bother mentioning it, while other books stick primarily to lists to avoid the issue. But it can cause confusion and error for beginners when switching between sets and lists, which is probably why the authors wrote this. However, I suspect what they wrote serves to increase confusion more than decrease it.

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