Historically, what did mathematicians do before accepting the Completeness Axiom


In the textbook "Advanced Calculus" by Patrick Fitzpatrick on page 7 it says:

It has been "known since antiquity, there is no rational number x having the property $x^2=2$

This is in reference to the polynomial $p(x)=x^2-2$ and trying to solve for the roots.

On page 8 of the text,

if r is the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle
whose other two sides have length 1, then $r^2=2$, and so the length
of the hypotenuse is not a rational number.

I found this Wikipedia page indicating that the Completeness Axiom was recognized in 1817 by Bernard Bolzano.

So this axiom can be used to claim the geometric and algebraic problems above have answers that are irrational.

My question: What did mathematicians do before 1817? When they encountered the right-angled triangle or the polynomial above, did they simply say "there is no rational number that is the $\sqrt{2}$ and so we cannot move forward"?

Another way of putting the question: What lead Bolzano to the Completeness Axiom and why did we have to wait until 1817 for it to be recognized?

Best Answer

First of all, the Completeness Axiom is considerably more powerful than the statement "the square root of $2$ exists". The Completeness Axiom promises the existence of every irrational number. Before accepting the Axiom, it would be perfectly reasonable for a mathematician to accept that $\sqrt{2}$ exists but deny the existence of, say, $\pi$.

Second, "recognized the importance of" and "invented" are very different things. What Bolzano did was notice that everyone was using this axiom, but that no one was actually putting it into words. Long before Bolzano, people accepted the existence of irrationals; they just didn't have an axiom to point to and say "this is why".

If we want to go back far enough that irrational numbers actually weren't accepted, we have to go all the way back to ancient Greece - as soon as you have the Pythagorean Theorem, you have to accept the existence of $\sqrt{2}$ (unless you're okay with claiming that isosceles right triangles don't exist!). Before that, mathematicians certainly did believe that there was no such number - I can't find a resource specifically claiming "there is no square root of two", but the ancient Greeks did work under the assumption "every number is the ratio of two whole numbers".

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