Hilbert class field of $ \Bbb{Q}( \sqrt{-5})$


I want to prove $ \Bbb{Q}( \sqrt{-1},\sqrt{-5})$ is Hilbert class field of $ \Bbb{Q}( \sqrt{-5})$.

Let $H$ be Hilbert class field of $ \Bbb{Q}( \sqrt{-5})$.
I know already from elliptic curve theory that $[H: \Bbb{Q}( \sqrt{-5})]=2$.

Thus, I need to prove here is

$ \Bbb{Q}( \sqrt{-1},\sqrt{-5})$ is unramified at any prime of $\Bbb{Q}( \sqrt{-5})$.

How can I formally prove this ? Thank you for your kind help in advance.

Best Answer

Let $K = \mathbf Q(\sqrt{-5})$ and $L = K(i)$, so $L$ has the quadratic subfields $M = \mathbf Q(i)$, $K = \mathbf Q(\sqrt{-5})$, and $N = \mathbf Q(\sqrt{5})$. Since $M$ is unramified away from $2$ and $N$ is unramified away from $5$, $K/\mathbf Q$ is unramified away from $2$ and $5$. (I am not considering archimedean ramification.) Thus $K/\mathbf Q(i)$ is unramified away from $(1+i)$, $(1+2i)$, and $(1-2i)$. How do $(1+i)$, $(1+2i)$, and $(1-2i)$ decompose in $K$?

How $(1+i)\mathcal O_K$ factors: in $\mathcal O_M = \mathbf Z[i]$ we have $(2) = (1+i)^2$ and in $\mathcal O_N = \mathbf Z[(1+\sqrt{5})/2]$ the ideal $(2)$ is prime, so $2\mathcal O_K = \mathfrak p^2$ where ${\rm N}(\mathfrak p) = 4$. Thus $((1+i)\mathcal O_K)^2 = \mathfrak p^2$, so $(1+i)\mathcal O_K = \mathfrak p$: $K$ is unramified at $(1+i)$.

How $(1+2i)\mathcal O_K$ factors: in $\mathcal O_M = \mathbf Z[i]$ we have $(5) = (1+2i)(1-2i)$ and in $\mathcal O_N = \mathbf Z[(1+\sqrt{5})/2]$ we have $(5) = (\sqrt{5})^2$, so $5\mathcal O_K = \mathfrak q\mathfrak q'$ where ${\rm N}(\mathfrak q) = {\rm N}(\mathfrak q') = 5$. Thus $(1+2i)\mathcal O_K (1-2i)\mathcal O_K = \mathfrak q\mathfrak q'$, so the ideals $(1+2i)\mathcal O_K$ and $(1-2i)\mathcal O_K$ are both prime: $K$ is unramified at $(1+2i)$ and $(1-2i)$.

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