Help with solving an optimization problem, connecting surface area and volume.


enter image description hereThe question

A tent is in the shape of a triangular prism.
The triangular ends are equilateral triangles.
The volume of the prism is 40 $m^3$

Find the length and width of the rectangular base
that give a minimum surface area for the tent.
You do not need to show that the answer is a minimum.

The equations, at least the ones I think I need.

$V$ = Volume of a triangular prism

$A$ = Surface area of a triangular prism

$V$ = 40

$V=\frac{1}{2}b\cdot h\cdot l$

$A = b\cdot h + 3b\cdot l$


Where I get stuck

Eliminate h by rearranging and combining equations

$$40=\frac{1}{2}b\cdot h\cdot l$$

$$80=h\cdot b\cdot l$$

$$h=\frac{80}{b\cdot l}$$

Insert into surface area equation

$$A = b\cdot \left(\frac{80}{b\cdot l}\right) + 3b\cdot l$$

Which can be simplified to

$$A = \frac{80}{l} + 3b\cdot l$$

It's at this point I have no idea where to go next. I'm fairly confident their must be a third equation, but I can't think of any that link the variables.

Any help is much appreciated.

Best Answer

From what I'm understanding how the variables are named without a diagram, since the base triangles are equilateral, $h \propto b$. So then you may instead eliminate say $b$ for $\ell$ and then minimize $A(\ell)$.

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