Help for Exercise $1$ Mac Lane Category theory Ch. II Sec 5


I'm trying to do exercise 1 of II.5 in the Mac Lane's book Category theory for the working mathematicians.

Te exercise asks me to find a natural bijection

$$\operatorname{Hom}(A\times B,C) \cong \operatorname{Hom}(A,C^B) $$
for small categories $A,B$ and $C$ (so the hom-sets are thought in the category of small categories $\mathbf{Cat}$.)

I thought to define the following functors

F: \mathbf{Cat}^* \times\mathbf{Cat}^* \times \mathbf{Cat} & \longrightarrow & \mathbf{Set} \\
(A,B,C) & \longmapsto & \operatorname{Hom}(A\times B, C)


G: \mathbf{Cat}^* \times\mathbf{Cat}^* \times \mathbf{Cat} & \longrightarrow & \mathbf{Set} \\
(A,B,C) & \longmapsto & \operatorname{Hom}(A,C^B) .

But, as functors, I have to define them also for arrows. And here is my problem. If $H:A\times B\times C^* \rightarrow A'\times B'\times {C'}^*$ is a functor (an arrow in $\mathbf{Cat}\times\mathbf{Cat}\times\mathbf{Cat}^*$) I have no idea of how to define $FH$. If I'm not wrong, it is a map (in the usual set) which takes a functor $T:A\times B \rightarrow C$ and gives a functor $FH(T):A'\times B'\rightarrow C'$. So given $T$ and objects $(a',b')$ I have to define

$$ FH(T)(a',b') $$

and also

$$FH(T)(f',g') $$

but I have no clue about it.

Is my procediment fine? In this case, can you help me, please?

Best Answer

Remember that you don't have to define Hom functors from scratch; you should already know how they work. Given $\langle f,g,h\rangle:\langle A,B,C\rangle\to\langle A',B',C'\rangle$, $F(f,g,h)(a:A\times B\to C)$ is just $a\mapsto h\circ a\circ (f\times g)$. (Notice that you have the variance backwards above--the first argument of a Hom functor is contravariant, the second covariant.) $G$ requires a little more thought, but it's easy to sort out with a little time.

$H$ is, I think, where you're getting confused. All you need to show is that for every $A,B,C$ there's a function between sets $H_{A,B,C}:F(A,B,C)\to G(A,B,C)$ that commutes with the $F(f,g,h)$ and the $G(f,g,h)$. That's it. You don't need any extra functors. These functions are given by the currying operation described above.

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