Having problem with the particular equation of 2nd order non-homogeneous differential equations

calculusordinary differential equations

Given these questions to solve on 2nd order non homogeneous equation. I'm having problem of forming the particular solution of it:
$$ \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} \,+4x=289te^t\,sin2t $$
$$ 2x\ddot y\,+\,\dot y \,-\,2y=0 $$
For the first equation, I got the homogeneous equation to be: $ y_c=C_1e^{2it} \,+C_2e^{-2it}$
after forming the particular equation $$ (A+Bt) e^t \sin2t + (C+Dt) e^t\cos2t $$
I applied method of undetermined coefficient but I got incorrect answer
Any idea of forming a better solution even without using method of undetermined coefficient

Best Answer

First equation, undetermined coefficients requires to see that the right side is not in resonance with the left side, thus the standard construct applies $$ x_p(t)=(A+Bt)e^t\sin(2t)+(C+Dt)e^t\cos(2t). $$

For the second equation the power series approach is called Frobenius method. The Euler-Cauchy part of the equation is $2x^2\ddot y+x\dot y=0$, so that the indicial equation $0=2m(m-1)+m=m(2m-1)$ gives basis solutions $1$ and $\sqrt x$, the power series are thus $$ y_1(x)=\sum_ka_kx^k~~\text{ and }~~y_2(t)=\sqrt x\sum_k b_kx^k. $$ Inserting and comparing coefficients should give the coefficient recursion for both.

Setting $y(x)=\sum a_kx^{k+r}$ with $y'(x)=\sum (k+r)a_kx^{k+r-1}$ and $y''(x)=\sum (k+r)(k+r-1)a_kx^{k+r-2}$ gives after comparing coefficients of equal degree terms $$ 2(k+r)(k+r-1)a_k+(k+r)a_k-2a_{k-1}=0\\~\\ (k+r)(k+r-\tfrac12)a_k=a_{k-1} $$ With $a_{-1}=0$ a non-trivial $a_0$ is only obtained for $r=0$ and $r=\frac12$. Then iterate \begin{align} r&=0:& a_k&=\frac{a_{k-1}}{k(k-\frac12)}&\implies~~&a_k=\frac{2^k}{(2k)!}a_0\\ r&=\tfrac12:&a_k&=\frac{a_{k-1}}{k(k+\frac12)}&\implies~~&a_k=\frac{2^k}{(2k+1)!}a_0 \end{align} Now compare with the power series of the hyperbolic functions.

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