Hausdorff compactly generated is locally compact


I was trying to prove the "theorem of exponential correspondence" and "exponential law" with $X,Y,Z$ compactly generated and Hausdorff.

According to Hedwin H.Spanier-Algebraic Topology and Tammo tom Dieck-Algebraic topology we have that locally compact seems necessary in order to prove the statement.

The true hyphotesis given on the spaces are Hausdorff locally compact, but as far as I can see, compactly generated and Hausdorff doesn't imply locally compact, am I right ? Are my hypothesis wrong ? Are there any counterexample.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

A simple example would be $\Bbb Q$, endowed with its usual topology. It is metrizable, and therefore compactly generated. But it is not locally compact.

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