Hartshorne Exercise III 10.6: etale covering of the nodal cubic curve.


The exercise is stated as follows:

Let Y be the plane nodal cubic curve $y^2=x^2(x+1)$. Show that $Y$ has a finite etale covering $X$ of degree $2$, where $X$ is a union of two irreducible components, each one isomorphic to the normalization of $Y$.

Well, its normalization map is: $\mathbb A_k^1 \to Y$ where $t$ is mapped to $(t^2-1,t(t^2-1))$. Since parabola is isomorphic to the affine line, and they can intersect at two points easily, I can consider $X=\operatorname{Spec} k[s,t]/(t^2-(s^2-1)^2)$, and set a map $f:X\to Y$ by $(s,t)\to (s^2-1,st)$. Thus $X$ is the union of two parabolas, and each one is mapped to $Y$ as a normalization.

$f$ is flat by chapter 3, proposition 9.7 of Hartshorne. But it seems that $f$ is not etale for the following reasons:

If $f$ is etale, then all its fibers are finite(trival) and reduced.(this is a well-known equivalence of being unramified, see Liu Qing Lemma 3.20 on page 139). But when I consider the point $P=(-1,0)$ on $Y$, its fiber is $(k[s,t]/(t^2-1,s^2,st))_P$. $s$ is trivially a nilpotent element, hence the ring is not reduced.

Did I get something wrong? Could you point out my mistakes and help me modify it? Besides, if you have a reference for this etale map(include detailed calculations) could you share it here? If you have your own way to construct $X$, it would also be nice if you could post the construction here. All helps are appreciated!

Best Answer

Let me record the discussion from the comments as an answer.

To compute the fiber over $P=(-1,0)$, take the spectrum of the tensor product $$k[s,t]/(t^2-(s^2-1)^2)\otimes_{k[x,y]/(y^2-x^3-x^2)} k$$ where $k$ is considered a $k[x,y]/(y^2-x^3-x^2)$-algebra as $(k[x,y]/(y^2-x^3-x^2))/(x+1,y)$. Since $M\otimes_R R/I\cong M/IM$, this tensor product is isomorphic to $k[s,t]/(t^2-(s^2-1)^2,s^2,st)$. Subtracting off multiples of $s^2$ from the first generator, we find that the ideal $(t^2-(s^2-1)^2,s^2,st)$ is equal to the ideal $(t^2-1,s^2,st)$. This means that $t^2=1$ in the quotient, so $1\cdot s =t^2\cdot s =0$, and therefore $s=0$. So the fiber over $P$ is the spectrum of $k[t]/(t^2-1)$, or two points, just like we want.

Added later: By the way, your claim that $f$ is flat by proposition III.9.7 is not correct - $Y$ is not regular, so this proposition doesn't apply. See here for more details about how to prove $f$ is flat.