Hard olympiad level matrix problem

linear algebramatrices

Let a matrix $A\in\Bbb M_n(R) $, $n>2$ for which exists a number $a\in\Bbb [-2,2 ]$ so that :
$A^2 -aA + I_n = O_n$

Prove that for any natural number $m\in\Bbb N$ there exists a unique $a_m\in\Bbb [-2 , 2 ]$ for which $A^{2m}-a_mA^m + I_n = O_n$.

How I tried solving it : I've written $A^2 = aA – I_n$ from which I generalized $A^n$ as the following series :

$A^n = x_nA – x_{n-1}I_n$ where $x_1 = 1$ and $x_2 = a$ and where $x_{n+1} = ax_n – x_{n-1}$ after which i applied the characteristic equation and got :

$r^2-ar=1=0$ so naturally $r_{1,2}=\frac{a\pm i\sqrt{4-a^2}}{2}$

We can write $r_{1,2} = \cos{t} \pm i\sin{t}$ where :

$\sin{t} = \frac{\sqrt{4-a^2}}{2}$ , $\cos{t} = \frac{a}{2}$ and $t\in [0,\pi]$

so $x_n = C_1\cos{nt} + C_2\sin{nt}$ where if we replace $n$ with $1$ and $2$ and solve the system we get

$C_1= 0$ and $C_2= \frac{2}{\sqrt{4-a_2} }$ so we easily get $x_n = \frac{2}{\sqrt{4-a_2} }\sin{nt}$

so $A^n = \frac{2}{\sqrt{4-a_2} }$ $[\sin{nt} A – \sin{(n-1)t} I_n]$

Furthermore we have that $A^2 -aA = I_n$ so $A(aI_n-A) = I_n$ so $\det{A}$ can't be equal to $0$

so we pretty much know the value of $A^{-n}$, can someone help me proceed ?
I've tried to calculate $A^m + A^{-m}$ and got $a_mI_n$ as an answer, if this enough to prove the statement correct ? And if it isn't i could really use a hand here.

Best Answer

Because $A$ is invertible, you can likewise conclude from the recurrence relation that

$$A^{-m} = \frac{ \sin -mt \times A - \sin (-m-1)t }{\sin t }\times I_n.$$

If you don't want to take this at face value, set up $ A^{-2} = a A^{-1} - I_n$ and proceed as you did.
Just be careful of the signs and values of $t'$.
Note that $ \frac{2}{\sqrt{4-a^2} } = \frac{1}{\sin t}$.

Thus, $ A^m + A^{-m} = \frac{\sin (m+1)t - \sin (m-1) t}{\sin t} \times I_n = 2 \sin mt \times I_n. $

So, for $ a_m = 2 \sin mt \in [2, -2]$, we have $A^{2m} - a_m A^m + I_n = 0. $

Uniqueness follows since $ A^m \neq 0$ (as $ \det A \neq 0 $).

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