Handling non-convex inequality constraint in otherwise convex problem

constraintsconvex optimizationoptimization

I have an inequality constrained optimization problem, which I believe to be convex except for a single constraint I am having trouble handling. The objective function looks like this:

$\sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{c_i}{x_i + y_i}$

Where $x,y \geq 0$ are the optimization variables and $c_i \geq 0$ are constants. For brevity, I'm going to omit some of the other constraints in the problem, which are mostly lower and upper bounds on the variables along with a single convex inequality constraint. However, there is one final set of constraints which I'm not sure how to handle, given by:

$\left(\frac{y_i – 1}{x_i + y_i – 1}\right) a_i – b_i \leq 0$

Here $a_i $ and $b_i$ are positive constants and my other constraints enforce that the fraction is also positive. From what I have read, this looks like a linear fractional function, which is quasilinear. I'm an optimization novice and have had difficulty finding references for handling these kinds of functions in constraints. What I have thought about so far:

  • I found some resources for these functions when they are the objective of the problem, but I don't see how those techniques are applicable here. Maybe there is a change of variable I could consider?
  • I could consider some kind of affine approximation of this function, which would make the overall problem convex. I would then need to quantify the worst case distance between the approximation and the actual function.
  • I could pretty easily relax the fraction to be $\frac{y_i}{x_i + y_i}$ but it's not immediately obvious how that might simplify things.

Looking for guidance or further references for handing this situation.

Best Answer

You asked me to formalize my comment as an answer: Your constraints are (for some subset of indices $i$): $$ \frac{(y_i-1)a_i}{x_i+y_i-1} \leq b_i$$ There is a potential singularity if the denominator of the fraction is zero. However, if we assume that other constraints ensure that $x_i+y_i-1>0$ always, then we can multiply the inequality by the positive number $x_i+y_i-1$ to equivalently get $$ (y_i-1) a_i \leq b_i(x_i+y_i-1)$$ which is a linear (hence convex) inequality constraint.

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