Halting Problem with True/False Answer


The simplified explanation to the Halting Problem relies on the contradiction in if you have a Turing Machine H that can decided if a program p halts, it loops forever if p halts and halts if the p doesn't. Then be feeding this program into it's self you end up with the logical contradiction.

I feel like I am missing something fundamental here. Why do the outputs of H have to be loop or halt, rather than 0 or 1?
Since we start from the assumption that H is some magic box which can decided the Halting Problem, why can'y we assume that it gives a yes/no answer and then always halts?

Best Answer

Yes, we can assume there is a "universal halting predictor" $H$ that produces output $0$ if Turing machine $P$ with input $I$ never halts and $1$ if its does halt - and we assume $H$ always outputs either $0$ or $1$ and is always correct.

But the point of the proof is that we could then construct a Turing machine $H'$ which, when given input $I$, feeds its own description together with input $I$ to $H$. $H'$ then does the opposite of whatever $H$ predicts it will do. This means that $H$ cannot predict what $H'$ will do with input $I$, so $H$ is not after all a universal halting predictor for Turing machines.

Note that this argument does not rule out a "magic" (i.e. non-algorithmic) halting predictor $M$ for Turing machines. It would not be possible to construct a contradictory $M'$ around $M$ because the non-algorithmic $M$ is part of $M'$, so $M'$ does not have an algorithmic description which it could feed to $M$. In other words, magic $M$ may be able to predict whether any Turing machine will halt, but $M$ and $M'$ are not Turing machines.

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