Halmos set theory proof of zorn’s lemma. Why we can conclude from hypothesis that $X$ is non-empty


I am reading Halmos's set theory. Section 16 of the book is ZORN'S LEMMA:

Zorn's lemma. If $X$ is a partially ordered set such that every chain in $X$ has an upper bound, then $X$ contains a maximal element.

It then goes to explain the basic idea of the proof:

The basic idea of the proof is similar to the one used in our preceding discussion of infinite sets. Since, by hypothesis, $X$ is not empty, it has an element, say $x_1$ ……

Why and from which hypothesis can we conclude that $X$ is not empty? Can't an empty set be a partial order?


definition of partial order and partially ordered set in the book:

a partial order (or sometimes simply an order) in a set $X$ is a reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive relation in $X$.

A partially ordered set is a set together with a partial order in it.

Best Answer

As Noah Schweber pointed out, if $X$ is a partially ordered set that satisfies the hypothesis of Zorn's lemma, then $X$ is not empty:

If $X$ is the empty set, then there is precisely one chain $A$ - the empty set - and this chain does not have an upper bound in $X$, since $X$ is empty.$^1$ But the hypothesis is that each chain has an upper bound, so we get a contradiction.

$^1$ However, if $X$ is nonempty, then the empty chain does have an upper bound: "If $A$ is a chain in $X$, the hypothesis of Zorn's lemma guarantees the existence of an upper bound for $A$ in $X$; it does not guarantee the existence of an upper bound for $A$ in $A$" (see the discussion below the statement of Zorn's lemma on page 62).

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