Hall-Littlewood polynomials and elementary symmetric functions– Chapter III (2.8) in Macdonald’s “Symmetric Functions and Hall Polynomials”


I'm confused about the proof of Chapter III (2.8), page 209 in Macdonald's book, see
proof of (2.8).

Here is the background. Let $\Lambda_n$ be the ring of symmetric polynomials in $r$ variables, i.e. $\Lambda_n=\mathbb{Z}[x_1,…,x_n]^{S_n}$, being the fixed point of the symmetric group $S_n$. Let $\lambda$ be a partition of length $l \leq n$ (we set $\lambda_i =0$ if $i \geq l$). In the picture, $P_\lambda(x,t)$ is Hall-Littlewood polynomial (which is an element of the inverse limit of $\Lambda_n[t]$, with $n^{th}$ coordinate $P_\lambda(x_1,…,x_n;t)$, and the projection of the inverse limit being letting extra variables to be zero). Where
$$P_\lambda(x_1,…,x_n;t)=\frac{1}{v_\lambda(t)}\sum_{w\in S_n} w\left(x_1^{\lambda_1}…x_n^{\lambda_n}\prod_{i<j}\frac{x_i-tx_j}{x_i-x_j}\right)$$
or equivalently
$$P_\lambda(x_1,…,x_n;t)=\sum_{w\in S_n/S_n^\lambda} w\left(x_1^{\lambda_1}…x_r^{\lambda_n}\prod_{\lambda_i>\lambda_j}\frac{x_i-tx_j}{x_i-x_j}\right)$$
And $e_r$ is the $r^{th}$ elementary symmetric function. And (2.5), which is used in the proof, asserts that the inverse limit described above is well-defined, i.e. $$P_\lambda(x_1,…,x_n,0;t)=P_\lambda(x_1,…,x_n;t)$$

My question is as follows. I understand (2.5) but

(1) I can't see why $P_{(1^r)}$ is uniquely determined by its image in $\Lambda_r[t]$

(2) Even if $P_{(1^r)}$ is uniquely determined by its image in $\Lambda_r[t]$, I don't see why this implies $P_{(1^r)}=e_r$ in the case of variables strictly more than $r$

Best Answer

Let $f\in \Lambda^r[t]$ be such that $f(x_1,...,x_r;t)=e_r(x_1,...,x_r)$. Write $f$ as $$ f=\sum_{|\mu|=r} a_\mu(t) e_\mu $$ then $$e_r(x_1,...,x_r)=f(x_1,...,x_r;t)=\sum a_\mu(t) e_\mu(x_1,...,x_r)$$, but since $e_\mu(x_1,...,x_r)$ are linearly independent for $|\mu|=r$, we have $a_\mu(t)=0$ for all $\mu \neq (1^r)$ and $a_{(1^r)}(t)=1$. So, $f=e_r$.

Now apply this to $f=P_{(1^r)}(t)$

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