Half-open topology on $\mathbb R$ is separable, and $A \setminus \hat A$ is countable

general-topologyreal numbers

This is part of Exercise 9 in Section 2.2 of Topology and Groupoids, by Brown.

For each $x \in \mathbb R, N \subseteq \mathbb R$ is a neighborhood of $x$ if and only if there are real numbers $x^{\prime}, x^{\prime \prime}$ such that $x \in [ x^{\prime}, x^{\prime \prime}) \subseteq N$. This is called the half-open topology on $\mathbb R$.

I am supposed to show that this topological space is separable, and that if $\hat A$ is the set of limit points of a set $A \subseteq \mathbb R$, then $A \setminus \hat A$ is countable.

My attempt:

The space is separable because the subset $\mathbb Q \subseteq \mathbb R$ is countable, and every neighborhood of every point must intersect $\mathbb Q$.

Showing that $A \setminus \hat A$ is countable seems harder. I thought about proving it by contradiction. Assume it were uncountable. So there are uncountably many $x \in A$ that have at least one neighborhood that contains no other points of $A$. So there are uncountably many intervals $[a, b)$ that contain only one point of $A$.

I was going to say that none of the intervals can intersect, but I'm not sure that's true.

I'm stuck. Any help is appreciated.


If there are uncountably many such points, does that mean they have to form at least a finite interval? Then there couldn't be uncountably many intervals $[a, b)$ each only containing one of the points within a finite interval, right?

Best Answer

You're right about the countable dense subset. (every set $[a,b)$ contains an open interval $(a,b)$ which contains a rational etc.)

If $a \in A\setminus \hat{A}$, then there is a basic subset $[a,f(a))$ with $f(a) \in \Bbb Q$ such that $[a,f(a)) \cap A = \{a\}$ (this is what not being a limit point entails, plus we use the density of $\Bbb Q$). Suppose that we have $a_1 < a_2$ in $ A\setminus \hat{A}$ and $f(a_1) = f(a_2)$. But then $a_2 \in [a_1, f(a_1)$ and this contradicts how $f(a_1)$ was chosen. So $f: A\setminus \hat{A} \to \Bbb Q$ is injective and so the domain of $f$ is at most countable.

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