Groups generated by the subset of integer powers of group elements.


I am intrigued by the following question about finite groups. Given a group $G$ with elements $\{g_1, g_2, \cdots, g_n\}$, do there exist interesting sufficient conditions such that the group generated by the subset of some fixed integer power of the elements of the group, e.g., $S^m \equiv \{g_1^m, g_2^m, \cdots, g_n^m\}$ is a non-trivial proper subgroup $\langle S^m \rangle = G^\prime < G$?

There are many simple examples of this, e.g., among Abelian groups for any $m \,\lvert\, n$, or the symmetric group on $k$ elements for $m = 2$, etc., but I am looking for a more general principle.

Best Answer

This happens whenever $G$ admits a quotient group $G/N$ of order $m$ (equivalently, a normal subgroup of index $m$), since every $m^{th}$ power is zero in this quotient by Lagrange's theorem and so the subgroup generated by the $m^{th}$ powers is contained in $N$. This explains both the abelian case and the case of the symmetric groups with $m = 2$.

Somewhat more generally, $G/H$ can have exponent $m$. This explains further cases such as the case that $G$ is a finite $p$-group and $m = p$; in this case we can take the quotient given by the Frattini subgroup.