Group problem with a diagram


Let the set $M=\{a,b,c,d\}$ and a binary operation $\star$ described in the diagram :

\star & a & b & c & d \\ \hline
a & a & b & a & b \\
b & b & a & b & a \\
c & a & b & c & d \\
d & b & a & d & c \\

Questions given: Is $(M,\star)$ a group? Is $\star$ commutative? Is $c$ the neutral element of $\star$? Is $(\{a,b\},\star)$ a group? Is $(\{a,c\},\star)$ a group?

I obtained that $c$ is the neutral element of the group from the diagram and also that the binary operation is commutative but I am not sure about the other statements.

Best Answer

In a group there is a single element $g$ such that $g^2=g$ (why?). However, your structure has two such elements, $a$ and $c$, and so is not a group

For the other two questions: the above also means that $\{a, c\}$ is not a group. On the other hand, $\{a,b\}$ is a group, and proving this is an instructive exercise :-)

We can use the table to find the neutral element easily: A neutral element is an element such that the corresponding row and column in the table are precisely the outer row and column, respectively (so both are $a,b,c,d$). There can be at most one neutral element. Therefore, $c$ is the neutral element.

We can also see commutativity via the table: this corresponds to the table being symmetric, with the line of symmetry going from top left to bottom right. This is the case here, so the structure is also commutative.

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